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Kyoto Edits  (KEYFRAME)  [ Kyoto ]
Baixo Guandu, Brazil
“Destiny” refers to choices, whether good or bad, you have to decide to stick to something or move on. In the case of MMV it's a protagonist romance with two girls, where “destiny”, itself tries to separate from its beloved.
About the project
Very complex, because I never edited a manga and had several problems with my computer. Graphics card errors were the common one. Apart from these details, the execution focused on motion and animation.

It is worth saying that, It is very rewarding to have this opportunity. thanks.
Video    Love and Lies
Audio    Minami - Kawaki wo Ameku
Genre    Romance, Drama
2:36 | 55,6 Mb. | 1280x720 | H.264 / aac
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Total comments: 14 « [1] 2 »
RafCasarin  [ 20 September 2020, 02:32 ]
foda para caramba amigo
Kvant  [ 12 May 2020, 23:25 ]
Красивенько, наверное стильненько... для меня слишком большой сумбур и отдаёт каким-то слишком сопливым, (простите), романтизмом.
Не проникся, пересматривать наверняка не буду, но автора уважаю)
Bea$t  [ 31 January 2020, 19:08 ]
Симпатичная работа, хоть и 3д-слои выглядят плоско ) И не хватало какого-нибудь цвето-фильтра, ч/б скучновато выглядит. Сюжет не уловил, но за анимацию манги я низкую оценку поставить не могу ) В целом достойно получилось.
JoeBlack2027  [ 26 January 2020, 16:23 ]
you're pretty good
Encruzio  [ 26 January 2020, 07:32 ]
А вот и один из кандидатов на лучший клип этого кона. Молодец. Технично , стильно и красиво. :wink:
NIGHT  [ 25 January 2020, 20:40 ]
Very nice.
Respect, man :cool:
theredflash66  [ 25 January 2020, 15:45 ]
It's a nice video overall, but I'd prefer to see actual text rather than lyrics in these kids of videos. Prob just be, but that's how a feel. Good Luck!
Nekroz  [ 24 January 2020, 20:58 ]
Proud of you!
Congratulations my friend!
StJames  [ 24 January 2020, 20:55 ]
you surprised me my friend!
the video keeps a really good dynamic, the feelings matches in whole song.
could be nicer if you worked with others background colours, one for each song rhythm, like you did at 1:14. Good luck mate, i am really glad see a brazilians in this akross :D
GoldenThunder  [ 24 January 2020, 20:08 ]
Cool vid honetly!
But I feel the whole thing is too homogenous, nothing that stands out really, I guess thats a good point on consistency but for me it makes it a bit boring. The slow parts of the song have the exact same movements and visuals as the fast, I know it's not easy at manga stuff but actually I have seen some good examples to this song specifically.
Not a fan of the sync either, feels off a lot of the times
But still, this is definitely one of the better entries. Good luck and good job
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